
Proving the Power of Artificial Intelligence in Drug Development

Flexible and agile biotech-building around licensed assets with AI powered drug development

Leveraging AI and data insights to expedite and improve quality in decision making around licensing and development of drug candidates. We unlock hidden value in drug candidates licensed from biopharma with AI  applied to devise accelerated, optimized and de-risked clinical development.

Cureteq is an asset-manager and company builder engaged in founding and seeding biotechs anchored around a disease area or technology platform. The portfolio companies, also called ‘teqs’, are lean and agile and range from nimble, incubator type entities with close collaboration and centralised support from the Cureteq platform, to fully independent biotech companies with their own teams and governance supported by external investors.

The business model allows maximum flexibility in financing and partnering, whether on asset or company level.

Cureteq Platform

The power of the AI platform

  • Scans 95 % of the world wide web
  • Crawls up to 10 billion web pages per day in real-time
  • Extracts structured information from PDFs, images, graphs and more
  • Understands life science context, language and biological concepts, i.e., ontology, for data extraction and processing

The AI platform

The AI platform analyses approximately 95% of all publically available and published data such as literature databases, molecular structures, patents, genetic databases, safety databases and much more. This ensures a complete, systematic and unbiased analysis that helps identify the most valuable and safe use of a given drug candidate based on its design and attributes. The AI platform processes much more data than humans can and differentiates from other AI approaches through proprietary capabilities in Life Science Language Processing™ and Computer Vision to contextualise multimodal data and discover non-obvious connections. Taken together, this greatly enhances the effectiveness and impact of the AI analyses. Cureteq utilises this powerful AI engine within its strategic partnership with Innoplexus, a sister company.

For setting up a meeting

Swati Mehta

Chief Financial Officer